Vitamin C And Cancer (Part 5)

Vitamin C can enable cancer patients to live longer. At least, that’s what the data from the initial clinical trials demonstrate. To gain context, we will consider the big cancer killers, solid tumours in major organs. Lung, breast, colon, rectal, stomach, kidney, ovary, and bladder cancers are well-known examples. Doctors consider most conventional cancer chemotherapy … Read more

Vitamin C And Cancer (Part 4)

A sustained high blood level of vitamin C is a more effective anticancer agent than a short peak concentration. Most anticancer drugs are toxic, very toxic. They are slightly more poisonous to cancer than the host. The idea is to increase the dose to the maximum the patient can stand. The hope is damage to … Read more


The Purpose Of a System Is What It Does. Let’s take a trivial example. What is this for: A radiator has one dominating characteristic; it gets hot. Its purpose is to heat the room. Now, something a little more demanding. What’s the purpose of this cheetah’s behaviour: It’s hunting. The purpose of its current behaviour … Read more

Vitamin C And Cancer (Part 3)

The NIH did some computer modelling to show that Linus Pauling was wrong. They failed. Most people are familiar with a computer model. It is supposed to represent reality with some degree of accuracy. For example, the UK Met Office uses models to forecast the weather. People such as fishermen and farmers need accurate information. … Read more

Vitamin C And Cancer (Part 2)

The NIH demonstrated that Linus Pauling was correct in his assessment of the need for higher doses of vitamin C. But, unfortunately, they claimed the opposite. So here, we continue to use their own data to illustrate how they misinformed people. We can now consider how the NIH story continues to mislead the medical community … Read more

Vitamin C And Cancer (Part 1)

Linus Pauling and others claimed that vitamin C is a highly effective cancer treatment when used correctly. They supported these claims with initial clinical trials that indicated an unprecedented increase in life expectancy. In addition, the initial results suggested a remedy far more potent than existing medicine could provide. Pauling was not the originator of … Read more

What is Smart Biology?

Imagine a world where organisms are intelligent. Clever like a smartphone rather than human genius, which is in short supply. We are all becoming familiar with artificial intelligence, its power and its limitations. When organisms have these properties, the fashionable and much-idolised genes become a low-level memory needed to generate proteins. By contrast, cells are … Read more